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TK-5th grade part-time reading and math classroom aides costs

AIDES COST:   TK -5TH Aids at Mattie and Brooks
$20 an hour
3 hours a day
4 days a week or 144 days a year
Mattie:  7 - TK classes+  7 - K classes + 6 - 1st grade + 7 - 2nd grade = 27 classes
Brooks:   6 - 3rd grade  + 6 - 4th grade + 5 - 5th grade = 17 classes
Total 44 classes
$20 per hour x 3 hrs x 144 days =  $8,640 per class x 20% tax/benefit
$8,640 + $1,728 tax/benefit = $10,368 per class
$10,368 x 44 classes = $456,192 for entire program.

$456,000 is a lot of money, but that is roughly the same amount of money (salary and benefits) as the two recently added Vice Principals (Deans), one at Mattie and one at Brooks plus the new Asst Superintendent.  Plus when it comes to helping almost 1,000 kids, child/adult classroom ratio, the teachers and WUSD under performing test scores, this is a no brainer.  Ten years ago, the wusd, with 600 less kids did great without assistant superintendents, and assistant principals and had a lot better test scores.  

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