Priority 1: I want to compare current staffing levels to ten years ago when the district had over 600 more students. Since 2014-15 school year, the wusd has added many new high salaried. non classroom employees. I favor Site Councils, Taxpayer Organizations, Parent Groups, Staff and teachers analyze the the Staff increases to find cuts. Have the cuts used to fund student and classroom needs, especially priorities 2 and 3 below. Click here for enrollment numbers.
Priority 2: I favor the wusd hiring trained, part-time, TK-5th grade math and reading classroom aides to help raise Windsor's underperforming test scores. Click here for past test scores and here for Aides cost
Priority 3: Restore 3rd to 5th grade typing, computer and PE teachers. Click typing+ for info
Priority 4: Restart the Bond Oversite Committee. As promised in the 2008 and 2016 bond measures. Committee last met in 2019. Click bond for more information.
Priority 5: Increase Communication. Increase communication between Staff and DO, Parents and DO and Parents and Teachers. Create an open door policy by all Principals and DO Staff. Provide parents with clear minimum learning expectations for each grade level.