In the 2016 Bond Measure a promise was made to create a Bond Oversight Committee to oversee all expenditures. A similar promise was in the 2008 Bond Measure. The 2016 Bond Measure F asked Windsor taxpayers for a sum of 62 million dollars. The 2008 Bond Measure B was approved for 50 million dollars. A third Bond Measure A was passed for the schools back in 1994 in the amount of 28.5 million dollars.
Ballot question Measure F - November 2016
The following question appeared on the ballot:[1]
"To improve the quality of education at Windsor schools by providing 21st Century classrooms, upgrading libraries and science labs, improving classroom technology, updating safety and security, renovating and modernizing older schools, repairing and replacing roofs, adding classrooms, building a new elementary school to avoid overcrowding, and acquiring, constructing and renovating school facilities shall the Windsor Unified School District issue $62 million in bonds at legal interest rates with an Independent Oversight Committee and no funds for administrators?[2]"
If Measure F is adopted, the Board of Trustees will conduct annual, independent financial and performance audits to ensure that bond proceeds have been expended only on the projects on the Bond Project List. An Independent Citizens* Oversight Committee will also be established within sixty days of the entry of the election results on the Board*s minutes. The proceeds of the bonds will be maintained in a separate account in the County Treasury, and District*s Superintendent must provide an annual report to the Board on the status of projects undertaken and the amount of bond proceeds received and expended in each year. These requirements are set out as *Accountability Safeguards* in Measure F.